How to Achieve Green and Sustainable E-Commerce Packaging

Nov 09,2023
Industry News
The increased demand for packaging from e-commerce has put pressure on the environment and aggravated pollution problems. How should we achieve green and sustainable development?

According to reliable data, global e-commerce used approximately 2.1 billion pounds of plastic packaging in 2019, and this number is expected to more than double to a staggering 4.5 billion pounds by 2025. This trend shows that the demand for plastic packaging is increasing sharply due to the development of e-commerce. However, we must also recognize that such growth will not only bring more environmental pressure, but will further exacerbate the problem of plastic pollution. Therefore, we must take action to change this trend and protect our planet by finding sustainable alternatives and promoting environmentally friendly measures.

How should e-commerce order fulfillment avoid excessive packaging?

In order to avoid excessive packaging during e-commerce order fulfillment, we can take the following measures:

Optimize product packaging

Encourage e-commerce companies to design and apply e-commerce commodity packaging that meets the needs of express logistics and distribution, and support express delivery companies to provide integrated services of collection, delivery, and packaging by embedding upstream, and gradually realize that one-time packaging can meet the needs of delivery.

On the premise of ensuring the safety and beauty of packaging, the use of materials should be reduced as much as possible. In addition, consider using degradable and recyclable materials.

Choose sustainable packaging materials, such as paper bags, recyclable plastic products, etc. At the same time, energy consumption and environmental pollution during the production process should be minimized.

At the same time, shipping companies are encouraged to use recyclable, easily recyclable, and degradable alternative products, increase the promotion of low-weight, high-strength cartons and glue-free cartons, optimize packaging structures, and reduce the use of plastic fillers.

Collaborate with upstream and downstream enterprises

E-commerce companies should strengthen collaboration with upstream and downstream companies such as suppliers and express delivery companies to design and apply e-commerce product packaging that meets express logistics and distribution needs. At the same time, e-commerce platforms are encouraged to guide consumers to use recyclable green packaging materials or reduced packaging, such as reusable shopping bags, express cartons, etc. At the same time, consumers can be encouraged to recycle packaging materials through points rewards and other methods.

Avoid over-packaging of goods

E-commerce companies should strictly abide by the country's mandatory standards for restricting excessive packaging of goods, operate in accordance with the law, and not sell goods that violate the mandatory standards for restricting excessive packaging of goods.

Promote green logistics

Through direct sourcing from the origin, direct shipping with original packaging, and direct shipping from multiple orders, we can reduce the amount of express packaging used and promote the reduction of express packaging. At the same time, centralized recycling of express packaging is carried out in different places, and the use of express terminal service platforms such as smart express boxes to recycle packaging waste is promoted.

Green sustainable packaging

Strengthen environmental protection publicity and education to improve public understanding and awareness of environmental protection. Promote the concept and importance of green packaging through various channels to allow more people to participate in green packaging actions.

Through the above measures, we can effectively avoid excessive packaging problems during e-commerce order fulfillment and achieve green logistics and sustainable development.

Green supply chain management refers to considering the concepts of environmental protection and sustainable development in the supply chain to reduce the impact on the environment. 

In the field of e-commerce, green supply chain management can include the following aspects

Supplier option

E-commerce companies should choose environmentally conscious suppliers who adopt sustainable production methods, use environmentally friendly materials, and minimize the environmental impact of packaging and logistics.

Procurement strategy

E-commerce companies should develop green procurement strategies and encourage suppliers to provide environmentally friendly and sustainable goods and services. For example, priority could be given to purchasing green-certified goods or logistics services that use renewable energy.

Logistics optimization

E-commerce companies can reduce energy consumption and emissions during transportation by optimizing logistics networks and transportation methods. For example, adopt more environmentally friendly transportation methods (such as electric vehicles, bicycles, etc.), or reduce transportation distance and carbon emissions by optimizing logistics routes.


E-commerce companies can promote the recycling of packaging materials, such as using recyclable packaging materials, or encourage consumers to recycle and reuse packaging materials.

Information transparency

E-commerce companies should disclose the environmental protection information of products and packaging to consumers, such as using environmentally certified packaging materials, or provide detailed product information so that consumers can make more environmentally friendly purchasing decisions.

By adopting green supply chain management, e-commerce companies can reduce their impact on the environment, improve their social responsibility and competitiveness, and attract more environmentally conscious consumers.