US Air Cargo Turns to Biodegradable Plastics for Greener Future

Feb 29,2024
Industry News
American Air Cargo announced that it will fully use biodegradable plastic products in its air cargo business, conveying the concept of practicing green environmental protection to the world

With the increasing global awareness of environmental protection, more and more companies have begun to actively seek sustainable development paths. In this wave of green revolution, American Air Cargo has become a pioneer in leading changes in the industry with its forward-looking vision and firm determination.

American Air Cargo announced that it will fully use biodegradable plastic products in its air cargo business. This innovative move will not only significantly reduce the generation of long-term plastic waste, but also sends a strong signal to the world to actively practice the concept of green environmental protection.

American Air Cargo

American Airlines Cargo successfully replaced traditional stretch wrap and pallet covers by introducing biodegradable packaging products. These new plastic products incorporate organic food-safe proprietary additives during the manufacturing process, allowing anaerobic bacteria to effectively break down these plastics in a relatively short period of time, thereby avoiding long-term burdens on the environment.

Since introducing these products in early 2022, American Airlines Cargo has expanded their use at multiple U.S. and international airports and achieved significant environmental results. In the first year alone, it successfully reduced long-term plastic waste by the equivalent of 6.4 million plastic water bottles, a number that has increased by an additional 2.2 million as it is rolled out in factories across the country.

What measures can international logistics take to reduce the use of plastic when shipping by air?

Packaging material optimization

Use lightweight, reusable or degradable packaging materials, such as paper packaging, biodegradable plastics, recyclable plastics, bags made of cornstarch, etc., to reduce the need for traditional plastics.

Encourage the use of reusable packaging containers such as metal or plastic buckets to reduce the use of single-use plastics.

Optimize packaging design and reduce unnecessary packaging materials, such as reducing fillers and using thinner packaging films.

Shipping labels and documents

Use electronic labels and digital files to reduce the use of paper labels and files.

If you must use paper documents, choose recyclable paper and make sure documents are printed on both sides to reduce paper use.

Alternative variety selection

Such as renewable plant fibers, fungus materials, etc., to reduce dependence on plastics.

Cargo securing and protection

Use biodegradable or recyclable fixing materials, such as degradable straps, ropes, etc.

Optimize the way of fixing and protecting goods and reduce the use of unnecessary fixing materials.

Minimize packaging

By streamlining packaging design and optimizing packaging structure, we can reduce the use of packaging materials and reduce the amount of plastic waste generated during air transportation.

Loading and unloading

Optimize the loading and unloading process of goods and reduce the need for temporary packaging or securing materials during transportation.

Use reusable cargo dunnage or protective materials to reduce single-use plastic use.

sustainable supply chain

Work with supply chain partners to develop sustainability strategies and promote the use of environmentally friendly materials and measures to reduce dependence on plastics and environmental load.

Airline meals and drinks

Provide biodegradable or reusable cutlery and containers to reduce single-use plastic use.

Passengers are encouraged to bring their own reusable cutlery and containers to reduce the use of single-use plastic provided by airlines.

Recycling and reuse

Collect and recycle plastic packaging waste generated during air transportation and reuse or recycle it to reduce resource waste and environmental pollution, and encourage the classification and recycling of plastic waste.

Work with a professional waste management company to ensure that recycled plastic waste is properly processed and reused.

Publicity and Education

Strengthen environmental awareness training for employees and partners, improve their understanding of plastic reduction and environmental protection, and work together to create a more environmentally friendly international logistics and transportation process.

Through the comprehensive application of the above measures, international logistics can effectively reduce the use of plastics during air transportation and achieve a more environmentally friendly and sustainable transportation mode. At the same time, this also requires the support and cooperation of relevant enterprises and institutions to jointly promote the development of green logistics.

This transformation of American Air Cargo not only reflects the company's deep understanding of environmental protection, but also a firm commitment to future sustainable development. By changing packaging materials, improving lighting systems, reducing paper use and sourcing sustainable aviation fuel, the company is working towards a greener, more environmentally friendly future.

In this process, American Air Cargo not only sets an example for the industry, but also sends a strong signal to the whole society to actively practice the concept of green environmental protection. Let us hope together that this green revolution led by American Air Cargo will bring us a better and more livable earth home.